About Our Gaushala

Svadu, sheeta, mridu, snigdha, bahula, shlakshna, pichcchil, guru, manda, and prasanna Dashaguna…” “Cow’s milk has 10 properties: sweet, cold, soft, unctuous, dense, smooth, viscous, heavy, slow and pleasing

We are Sri Omkar gaushala , providing our people a packet full of rich and nutritious A2 milk and ghee . We started our journey in 2016 when our passion turned into reality to provide every family unadulterated ,free from preservatives and antibiotics dairy products.

We sourced 25 gir cows from Gujrat and grew up to breeding 350 + healthy Gir cows today spread across 8 acres of land.

Our health is our utmost priority and Sri Omkar Gaushala is here to help you with top quality milk and ghee rich in A2 Proteins.

Our Vedic methods will provide you with Trust quality and assurance of sipping premium quality milk and eating golden elixir . Sri Omkar gaushala follows a Cruelty free and machines free process , nurtures organically fed cows and believes in ethical Gau nourishment .

Our Happy Cows

Shelter Food Medication
We have separate shelters for pregnant cows alongside for other cows and bulls as well. Seasonal organic vegetables and fruits are provided to every cow apart from regular animal fodder. We do not use allopathy but are only dependent on natural Ayurvedic herbs to treat conditions like inflammation, gastroenteritis and many more. This results in our milk becoming free from antibodies or hormones resulting in best quality milk for a balanced diet.
Provision for large fans and trees were spread across 8 acres of land. Goodness of Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari and many more are provided to breed and heal cattle to maintain their good health.
Provision of natural warming technique to warm the surrounding up during winters.
Our staff are highly experienced and were given training to ensure good maintenance of the cows.

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